Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The two day Worlds 2011 is finished ! Italian's One two ,Russia three.

A very well organised competition I thought, well everything except the weather and my flights.
After being told by British Airways (Italy) Oops were sorry we transported your Deltaplano to Italy, yah. Uh MM, that was a mistake! Shiite, thanks to Vicki and Greg Cain I have a car and back to Sigillo (with visiting Aussie Trevor Scot)t I go. With my kite to be boxed and now shipped back via Germany I believe.
Just to make my journey even better I have now been stuck in London and every flight is over booked for the summer break and with many hours to kill I talk to you all now. ETA Australia?? but I have to just take it like a man!

The podium!! Alex, Christian and Primoz, well done boys! 
yes this is the Colosseum!

Check out this little number, enough cables for your Hills Hoist, and my favorite part..NO CROSS BARS!!

Anyway enjoy and I will post soon..

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