Yeeha out of the flooding rains of Queenlsland, into the sunshine of Forbes new South Wales Australia. I will try to get some different angles with my GoPro camera during th competions here at Forbes. Everyone is starting to arrive here, Jamie said Carl is having troubles with the snow getting out of Europe and has just jumped on a plane from Dubai and should get to Sydney at 0700hrs, so I hope he makes day one. We tasked a 100mile triangle on this day, Attila being the onlt one to make it all the way around Trent and Dave cut a corner alittle but still made it back to Forbes airstrip. Myself landing about 20ks short late in the day and Barnsie about 25 or 30 short. Realy fun day about 4 and half hrs in the air with 3-700fpm climbs to 7000 plus feet. The day noticeably softened at around 1630hrs and I passed up a few too many 2-300 fpm climbs, Doh!. Did the first half of the triangle with Attila, lots of fun flying with these guys, you learn so much. Worked on getting Kiero here to no avail!! "next year Kiero"..
I will try to update when I can here at Forbes, enjoy and happy new year!
Here is a quick video of the days events.
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